When: June 19-22, 2025
Where: UpMarket Gallery, 68 N. Market Street, Asheville, NC
Cost: $1150
When: 12 – 4 PM, 2025 | June 19, 2025
9 AM – 4 PM, 2025 | June 20-21, 2025
9 AM – 3 PM, 2025 | June 22, 2025
In-Person Classes at Upmarket Gallery (Refreshments and catered lunch included daily)
Cost: $1150 – Open to 12 students
I am a mixed media abstract artist living and working in Northern California. Largely self-taught, I did not emerge on the art scene in a conventional fashion. My career has crisscrossed the world of applied arts and visual expression and my work has evolved over the last two decades, shaped directly by a close engagement with material and process, and a focus on abstraction and design.
My experience as a teaching artist over the last eight years have inspired and deepened my appreciation for creative community and collaboration. I am represented by several galleries in the US and Canada.
There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
-Leonard Cohen
As a self-taught artist these words have provided me with both a launching pad and a landing site in pursuit of my work. Awareness of the light has assisted me in recognizing my aesthetic and teaching skills. Sensitivity to the light has guided me in choosing the paths presented before me.
In this workshop we produce a modular (3 over 3) 9- panel installation. Our goal: Design a motif with color, shape, texture, composition and apply the AbD techniques to each panel individually to set up a dialog for all nine panels to work in concert. This parameter allows us to fully focus on our design and composition skills, while creating a manageable interplay between the panels. The result is a completed body of work as a harmonious installation.
The Abstraction by Design method is the process of exploring collage & painting techniques by layering paint and paper simultaneously on panels. Collaging involves color selection, paper choices, placement, glueing, mark making, composition and surface extraction. Painting involves panel prep, trowel application, brushing, sanding, surface manipulations, color mixing and texturing. The layering of paper and paint enables one to sand, scrape, wet, peel, paint, collage and repeat to create controlled and incidental results. We use acrylic polyurethane as a glue to attach papers, as a resist coat, and as a top coat as well.
A.R.R. the principals of Action-Review-Reaction. We begin the AbD process with an action by applying paint and or collage to our panels. Pause and review the action, then repeat another action. This requires taking time to observe your work, measure your response to both the controlled(deliberate) and spontaneous (incidents ). Follow these A.R.R principles as you crate your work.
Payments, cancellations, transfers, and refunds:
The class cost is $1150. There are currently 12 spaces available for this class.
How to Register? Pay securely online with your credit card here.
If YOU have to cancel: Refunds are not available unless we can rebook your place. Please note that the closer we get to the event, the less likely we will be able to find someone to replace you.
• If YOU cancel, but we can refill your spot: You will be refunded everything you have paid minus a $50 administrative fee.
• If WE have to cancel: We will refund everything you have paid.
If you have any questions regarding any workshop, call 828-998-4898 or contact us directly.